Sirao Peak, The Easy Way

Spontaneity at its best. Original plan was to visit the Sirao garden and the Temple of Leah, but since we were already in Sirao, we thought, we might as well climb the peak!

Sirao Peak

You see, I’ve never trekked before. My trek resumé only has one entry and that’s my 5-year stay at the University of San Carlos. If you have been, you’ll know that some buildings are way up the hills & mountains. I remember catching a 4:30 class uphill after our 3:30-4:30 class near the school entrance. All those running to the mountains, I can finally test them… and that was 4 years since! (ಠ_ಠ) I wasn’t ready, at all. I wasn’t even dressed to do some climbing! I mean, are Mom jeans even qualified to do anything other than, well, be retro?

Sirao Peak

A mere 3-minute ride from the garden to the foot of the short cut to the peak, we began our ascend. But first! A few pointers from manong driver. You go straight, you go left, you find that big tree, and you go in to the forest!

Sirao Peak

We started along this wide spider farm. We weren’t quite sure what these were but they’re full of cobwebs.

Sirao Peak

We moved on and had our first dilemma minutes after we received our instructions. The path was well hidden and we had no idea that we would actually go into the forest.

Sirao Peak

Almost 30 minutes of pure greens, a few muddy trails, a lot of rocky ones (thankfully) and quick breaks.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

My bad knees and mouth-open breathing eased at the sight of the sky. We were greeted, once more, by a two-way dilemma, but decided to take the path to the right. The path to the left actually leads up to another peak, we weren’t sure if that was the real peak since it was definitely higher up. We had no idea if Sirao Peak holds any title, whether it’s the highest peak of urban Cebu or not but we kept joking that it wasn’t even the highest peak of Sirao itself, haha. Where we ended up was the peak people camp at. It was evident by the scorched grass and a caretaker asking for Php 10 for maintenance. You can also see the other-and-higher peak from where we were standing.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

Breathtaking, quite literally! I was out of breath but I was awed and it was gorgeous.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

I’d like to think that my first trek was a success despite my fashion choice (not that I knew, before you bash me). My outfit didn’t really restrict me, although my Chucks had the tendency to slip in some of the muddy parts of the trail.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

30 seconds in our first descent, we realized we didn’t take a photo as a group so we went back, lelz. The descent isn’t as challenging as going up, as you would expect. But you ought to be careful with the high step downs, a trek pole or something similar would be helpful.

Sirao Peak

The bottom right of the photo above is where we started our trek, earlier.

I am not sure where the difficult way would start but we saw some trekkers from the other side. This short cut is manageable to include if you’re also visiting other spots along the Cebu Transcentral Highway.

The Sirao flower farm, where we started before our trek to Sirao peak, is approximately 30 minutes away from J.Y. Square, Lahug via habal-habal (motorbike). You may also use a private car and drive up the Transcentral Highway. Our trip consisted of the Sirao garden, peak and Temple of Leah and it costed us, Php 250 each. The ride to Sirao isn’t as scary as going to Tops. Rarely had those 45 degrees slopes and the cool breeze was quite nice.

Celosia Argentea

I had a two-day blank canvas waiting to be painted on, thanks to holidays and freedom. Last year, I wanted this to be the weekend that I go out of the country, alone. That didn’t happen for reasons happening next month. So I settled down with barangay Sirao and its celosias and cool breeze. Not bad at all!

Sirao Peak

Blog posts and selfies went viral, including that one disheartening post showing people leaving trash and consequently, ruining the flowers. I mean, I wish I was that one blog post that went viral, but since I’m a hermit who shies away from crowded places, of course, I wasn’t. And of course, I’m only blogging about this now. Thankfully, I’m the only one keeping tabs on imaginary deadlines.

Sirao Peak

The flower farm has started anew, there are now 1-2 feet baby celosias lined up in 4 rows. I wasn’t quite underwhelmed, since I knew what to expect. It’s not some magical lavender fields in Provence, nor does it compare with the Dutch tulip fields. But, it’s a start. If the owners decide to grow more than 4 rows of them, it’ll definitely be on par with those I’ve mentioned.

Sirao Peak

Even though, they said that they sell them around Cebu, I haven’t really seen these in the market. It’s hard not to recognize them, as well! They’re bright and vibrant, flame-like flowers of yellow, orange, magenta and red.

Sirao Peak

Aside from the flower garden, you can also enjoy a fresh view of the mountains with a variety of fields. May it be corn, more flowers, or rice.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

V nice foreground, thanks me.  ¯_(ツ)_/¯

There are also some funny rocks, wherein, if you took the right angle, it’ll look like you’re on top of the world. This one looks like that cliff from Lion King, or Little Mermaid:

Sirao Flower Farm

Sirao Peak

On point! Theo only needs some clam bra, a fin, splashing waves and dramatic red hair that doesn’t get ruined by water.

Sirao Peak

This was the view of the garden from down the hill.

Sirao Peak

Sirao Peak

You wouldn’t think I was crouching at this photo. It’s all about the angles, friends!

Sirao Peak

The Sirao flower farm is approximately 30 minutes away from J.Y. Square, Lahug via habal-habal (motorbike). You may also use a private car and drive up the Transcentral Highway. Our trip consisted of the Sirao garden, peak and Temple of Leah and it costed us, Php 250 each. The ride to Sirao isn’t as scary as going to Tops. Rarely had those 45 degrees slopes and the cool breeze was quite nice.

14 Songs You Listen To This 14th To Worsen A Heartbreak

There are two kinds of people today, (1) those who are happy and (2) those who are.. welp, moping.

The happy category includes but not limited to: people who are in love, people who think they are in love (bless them), and people who can eat 5 boxes of Valentine Special 50% off chocolates & not gain weight.

The moping category includes but not limited to: people who are in a relationship for the sake of, people who deny that the relationSHIP hasn’t sailed in a long time, people who haven’t let go, people who says they don’t care but they’re actually secretly crying while watching The Notebook for the 47th time, and people who gain weight after eating a single white chocolate EVEN THOUGH THEY’RE ON SALE AND CLEARLY WANTS ME TO EAT ALL OF THEM. Ehem. I mean, what.

Either way, Valentine’s is a superficial event which focus depends on the type of person you are on the day. Since I like to rub salt over thy wounds (and I like listening to sad song even when happy), here is a playlist I prepared for the moping, press play and read on.

Sara Bareilles – Gravity

Sara went into superfame because of Love Song but this song was what made me her minion. It’s been years but I still return to this song and get emotional as I did the first time I listened to it. You must also check out all the live versions of this song and be as amazed as I always am when Sara holds that note, you’ll know what I’m talking about. A ballad of when you’re too weak to let go of someone even though you know that is what’s (supposedly) best for you.

Heartbreaking lyric: The one thing that I still know is that you’re keeping me down.

Adele – Take It All

Of course, how can I leave out Adele? There’s an unwritten worldwide agreement that she’s the Queen of heartbreaks and songs which instantly give you one even though you’re not. She has lots of songs apt for this playlist but this song resonates the most with me and probably a lot of people. It’s one of her non-complicated songs, production-wise, and I think that kind of simplicity makes it more painful to listen to.

Heartbreaking lyric: I will change if I must. Slow it down and bring it home, I will adjust. Oh if only, if only you knew, everything I do is for you.

Sam Smith – Lay Me Down

I can’t decide whether this is a just-broken-up song or an LDR one. Either way, the lyrics speak to me on a personal level if I take it literally, distance as my nemesis. Although, if it is taken as a break up song, then I think it’s worse because he’s practically begging the person to be beside him again. Sob. Sam Smith, much like Adele, has an album full of songs like this. Give it a listen if

Heartbreaking lyric: Yes, I do, I believe that one day I will be where I was right there, right next to you.

Jess Glynne – Why Me

Quite an upbeat song amongst slow ballads but make no mistake, it can still give you that gut-wrenching moment of self doubt after a failed relationship. The chorus gives us a melodic reality of what we want to scream ourselves when it’s just too painful to bear. I can almost imagine a crying-in-the-shower scene, not that I’ve done that, but whatever.

Heartbreaking lyric: I always tried to fit around your life with no consideration over mine.

Tori Kelly – All In My Head

Tori’s early days are my favorite days. I’m very happy with what she’s achieved now but I think she hasn’t beat her past creations just yet. This song is just so raw with passion and hurt that it’s impossible not to give this a second listen. With her powerful voice, the emotions are real and definitely not just in my head.

Heartbreaking lyric: But I just cant help but think that we, we could’ve had something. Have I really been blind to reality?

A Fine Frenzy – Almost Lover

Old friend, we meet again. I used to get all emo with this song back in college, cringe! But hey, maybe you’ll find the same emotions as I did before. Haunting and slow, this just seems like a 4 minute torture of unrequited love and false hopes.

Heartbreaking lyric: I never want to see you unhappy, I thought you’d want the same for me.

Bonnie Raitt – I Can’t Make You Love Me

Adele did a rendition of this but I want to give credit to the original since it’s just as beautiful, if not more. I really can’t say anything else, the words to this lovely melody speak for itself.

Heartbreaking lyric: You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t.

Birdy – Skinny Love

I know, I know, this is a rendition and no credits were given, blah blah. There’s such a big debate over this song around the internet that we forget how good this song is. The original is definitely something but Birdy’s version is very soulful and young. It really all comes down to one’s preference. I prefer Birdy’s because of how unique her voice is.

They say skinny love is about pre-mature love stories, when two people like each other but just don’t have the guts to be with each other. Though, all these years, I always thought skinny love was about how shaky a relationship is. It’s “skinny”, therefore it isn’t nourished properly and can be sick easily. I say, interpretation’s up to the listener.

Hearbreaking lyric: And now all your love is wasted, then who the hell was I?

Ed Sheeran – U.N.I.

I haven’t read anything about this song but I do know UNI in the UK is a common word for university. I wonder if Ed and the person he sings this to called it quits at uni. Anyhow, this song’s a usual case of priorities, to let go is usually the painful choice. That point in life when you both have to decide whether to move on together or separately.

Heartbreaking lyric: But I know God made another one of me to love you better than I ever will.

Sara Bareilles – Breathe Again

A repeat artist because I’m biased. Sara makes great sad songs. A song of saying goodbyes and breathing anew. We know we can move on, it’s how and when we start that’s difficult.

Heartbreaking lyric: And my burden to bear is a love I can’t carry anymore

Jess Glynne – Saddest Vanilla

The saddest ice cream song you’ll ever hear. This ballad gives us a run down of how we’ll end up hating the things we love because of a broken heart and bad memories. We’ve all been there, we all probably had our fair share of sad ice creams. ;( Jess’ and Emeli’s voices are so emotional it makes me want to eat vanilla ice cream and cry.

Heartbreaking lyric: I used to love the taste of it until you went and poisoned it. Now, this is the saddest vanilla I’ve ever tasted.

Sam Smith – Not In That Way

Epitome of imaginary unrequited love. I wonder how many people have been heartbroken for not trying and how many of those could’ve actually happened if they did try. Painful, nevertheless.

Heartbreaking lyric: I love you but not in that way.

Sara Bareilles – Manhattan

I’m sorry, I just had to put a third Sara song. This is my most favorite sad song of hers. It’s diary-like kind of ballad. I love how I can actually understand the lyrics. No euphemism, no figuratives. Just plain ol’ story of leaving and letting go. Manhattan may not mean anything to you, but replace that with memories and places that you used to go to with the person you used to love.. sad, no? More often than not, we stay in a relationship because of happy memories, the used-to-be, the saddest part is realizing that even those memories are not enough to keep you together anymore.

Heartbreaking lyric: I’ll wish this away dismissing the days when I was one half of two. You can have Manhattan, ‘cause I can’t have you. (RIP MY HEART OUT SARA!!)

Adele – All I Ask

If you’re still not sobbing at this point, listen to this last masterpiece by no other than Adele. The whole song is just perfect for imperfect love stories. Unfortunately, this isn’t still on Spotify and Adele hasn’t released this yet as a single (I hope she will), so I’m embedding a video of her singing this song live. Let me explain by forcing you to listen:

Heartbreaking lyric: all of the daemn song. !_! What if I never love again?

Sob. Here, I’ll give you chocolates. Let’s watch The Notebook together, after?

PS. Please don’t take this too seriously… be strong, if you must. 😐

Hooded & Easy: Rose Gold Eye Make Up

Hello, it me, Mario! JOKES! We’re off to a great start, huh.

The fashion industry went gaga over rose gold everything last year and Apple made it officially “cool” by creating an iPhone with the prettiest rose gold shade. I decided to interpret my own version, in terms of make up, which I think will be gorgeous for a first date, Valentine’s or prom! It’s also quite soft so I believe anyone can pull this one off, easily! Ready your tools… and go!

Rose Gold Make Up


Rose Gold Make Up

L’oreal True Match Liquid Foundation in G4 Gold Beige & Real Techniques Sculpting Brush

Started off with just a layer of foundation and blended it with a Sculpting Brush. This brush is supposedly for contour but it’s very dense that it makes a great foundation brush, as well.

Eye – Gold

Rose Gold Make Up

Maybelline The Nudes Palette (Gold)

I applied the gold shadow from The Nudes palette across my eye lid. I didn’t put any base shadow as it is already very pigmented and the colors turn out well without help from primer.

Eye – Rust

Rose Gold Make Up

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Rust Rouille

Since I have hooded eyes, it can be difficult to figure out where my crease is, so I cheated my way by using an eye pencil to create one. Draw a sideways V as seen below. Connect the outer corner of your eye towards your brow bone and extend it along your eye socket.

Blend afterwards. You can build up the color by applying the eye pencil again and blending it again until you get your desired shade.

Eye – Blush

Rose Gold Make Up

NYX Blush in Natural

I used a blush powder and added it on top of the blended Rust eye pencil to make it rosy.

Eye – Liner

Rose Gold Make Up

Maybelline The Nudes Palette (Dark Brown)

I wanted to create a soft look so I decided against blacks but instead, I used the darkest brown from the same palette. I put it on top of my lash line but made sure it was very thin, just enough to define my eyes.

Rose Gold Make Up

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil in Whiskey

I also used a brown eye pencil for my waterline.

You may skip this bit but if you can, then tight line using the same brown pencil. It can be intimidating and it gives an odd sensation so I understand if not everyone does it.


Rose Gold Make Up

Maybelline The Falsies Mascara

I curled my lashes and applied some mascara. I also put on some fake but simple lashes. Nothing dramatic, just enough to thicken my lashes. 


Rose Gold Make Up

Collection Lasting Perfection Ultimate Wear Concealer

Now, this is a new product but I’ve heard about this from several beauty gurus all around the interwebs. This is one of the most, if not the most, raved drugstore concealer. I finally got to try it and I was surprised by how pigmented it is. I knew it was good but I didn’t know that it has high coverage so I applied the usual amount and was gobsmacked by how white my under eye is, lol!

Oopsie daisy. This is me realizing my fault. Almost half of my face is white, haha. I should’ve applied less of that concealer. Anyhow, I put a pea of foundation across my cheeks to rectify my mistake.


Rose Gold Make Up

MAC Lip Pencil in Soar & Maybelline Velvet Matte Lip in MAT 12

Continuing with the softness of this look, I opted for a pink nude shade for my lips. 


Rose Gold Make Up

Milani Stay Put Brow in Medium Brown

I forgot to film the bit where I drew on my brow but it’s the same brow technique I’ve used since my last make up tutorial.


I also put a tint of color on my cheeks using the same blush I used for my eyes. Again, nothing dramatic, to complete this soft rose gold eye make up.

This is now my favorite look, it’s classy but not boring. It brightens your face and gives you a very charming look. Let me know if you like this make up and if you’re going to recreate it, tag me across all social media!

Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and Flickr.

Rose Gold Make Up

Rose Gold Make Up

Rose Gold Make Up

Asian Skin Care Haul & Routine

Resolutions! Resolutions! I promised myself that I would *TRY* and take care of my skin starting this year. I’m not getting any younger, in fact, I’m just a couple of months shy from my birthday. I’m the typical lazy girl but I’m also lucky enough to be blessed with mediocre / not bad skin, lol. I don’t always breakout, it’s usually when I’m stressed or it’s that time of the month. I have normal-combination skin with the T-zone tending to be oily. The biggest problem that I really have is clogged pores around my nose and forehead and that’s something I’ve been trying to combat since forever. Diamond peels and nose strips won’t be enough if without a good routine. So I decided to go on a two-day research hunt as to what a good skin care routine is.

Skin Care Routine

Skin Type

First and foremost, figure out what your skin type is. There are times when people review a particular product even though it’s not targeted at them. There is the dry skin type, normal, normal – combination tending to be oily, normal – combination tending to be dry, oily, and sensitive.

Target Problems

Second, if you really want things to work, start with what you’re supposed to take care and to get rid of. Blackheads are the bane of my existence (particularly, my nose’s). You see, I thought that scrubbing my face everyday would get rid of them. I was, apparently, making it worse! Scrubbing my face removes all the facial oils I have making my face not oily at all after. However, a few hours later, my T-zone would produce oil like crazy and that’s because I’ve stripped my face with its essential oils as well that it’ll tend to overproduce oil.

Knowledge is Power

Third, research, research, research. Research your skin type, research your skin problems, research the possible solutions, research the product and its ingredients, research and read all the reviews!

The Asian Way

Korean beauty routines have been on the rise for quite some time now and there’s no surprise to that at all. Have you seen any Korean show / singer / group / K-Pop artist? Even the men have prettier skin than mine (not that they should have worse)! I went to that route instead of the westernized version. It’s also good to use Asian products because they would be apt for our climate and skin type.

It is recommended to follow the 10-step skin care routine but I had to simplify as we (mostly, I) don’t want to get overwhelmed and spend money on something we don’t really understand. Here’s my take on the skin care routine:

Step 1a: Cleansing / Removing Make Up

Step 1b: Second Cleansing

Step 2: Exfoliator / Scrub*

Step 3: Toner

Step 4: Serum / Essence / Ampoule

Step 5: Sheet Mask**

Step 6: Emulsion / Moisturizer

*once a week

**twice a week

Step 1a: Cleansing / Removing Make Up

The person who started all these believes in double cleansing. The first cleansing is usually oil based to help get rid of make up easily, including waterproof ones. I have a Clarins Makeup Remover and although it works quite well, it has a strong smell that can be quite offensive in large amounts, especially when you’re trying to remove nose make up. I decided to give a non-liquid makeup remover a try and chose Clean It Zero since it has lots of good reviews. Note that I am making this step optional, and to use it only when I wear make up which is quite rare.

Try: The Face Shop Rice Water Cleansing Oil, Banila Co. Clean It Zero, Skinfood Black Sugar Cleansing Oil, Hada Labo Gokujyun Water-Based Makeup Remover

Skin Care Routine

Skin Care Routine

Banila Co. Clean It Zero

Step 1b: Second Cleansing

After we do our first cleansing, our face could still be oily or has make up residue. We will now move on to a water based or a foaming cleanser. Skin Food Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser was recommended by one of the blogs I’ve read, as well as reddit users, so I gave it a go. This is the only product that I’ve been using religiously so far and I’m actually loving it.

Try: Hada Labo Tokyo Hydrating Facial Cleanser, Skin Food Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser, TonyMoly Fermented Snail Foam Cleanser

Skin Care Routine

Skin Food Aloe Vera Foaming Cleanser

Step 2: Exfoliator / Scrub

This step is only done once or twice a week. As I’ve mentioned earlier, scrubbing your face daily will strip all of the oils including the essential ones which will then lead to overproducing oil. I used to use Garnier’s facial scrub but I just found out about the dangers of microbeads, so I stopped it altogether and found this amazing scrub from Skin Food.

Try: Skin Food Black Sugar Mask Wash Off, Black Sugar Strawberry Scrub, St. Ives Exfoliating Pads

Skin Care Routine

Skin Food Black Sugar Strawberry Scrub

Step 3: Toner

After all the cleansing and occasional scrubbing, toning also helps strip off the dirt residue that hasn’t begone. However, while it does strip off the very last make up in your face, most, if not all, are designed to add moisture to the skin that might’ve been stripped off during scrubbing / cleansing. Toners help level the skin’s Ph balance. Searching for the right toner is quite hard and I’ve observed that most of the products included in Asian skin care routines aren’t as harsh as the western versions or what we call astringents.

Try: Innisfree Olive Real Skin, Etude House Wonderpore Freshner, MUJI Light Toning Water for Sensitive Skin (High Moisture)

Skin Care Routine

Muji Light Toning Water

Step 4: Serum / Essence / Ampoule

Korean’s have an essence which I haven’t fully delved into but if I’ve understood correctly, this step is where your face gets additional care. Brightening, getting rid of fine lines, and any extra care you’d like to add. For me, I tend to have an oily T-zone so I picked up a serum that will target that.

Try: Innisfree Green Tea Serum, Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum, Missha The First Treatment Essence, Missha Time Revolution Night Repair New Science Activator Ampoule

Skin Care Routine

Skin Care Routine

Skin Food Peach Sake Pore Serum

Step 5: Sheet Masks

Just like exfoliators, sheet masks are done once or twice in a week. Much like serums, sheet masks can also cater to your extra needs. There are various sheet masks in almost all skin care shops so choosing one per week would be very fun. Vitamin E this week, collagen next!

Try: The Face Shop Sheet Masks (Aloe), Etude House Collagen Sheet Masks

Skin Care Routine

ETUDE House Sheet Masks in Pearl (for Bright Complexion), Coenzyme Q10 (for Tightening & Firming), Aloe (for Soothing Relief), Vita Complex (for Radiating Skin)

Step 6: Emulsion / Moisturizer

Moisturizing is something we are all familiar with. Depending on your skin type, moisturizers can help you prevent your face from becoming too dry or too oily. There are also variations that help aging and sensitive skin.

Try: Mizon Black All-in-one Snail Cream, Etude House Moistfull Collagen Emulsion, Etude House Precious Mineral Any Cushion, Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré Nourishing Moisturiser

Skin Care Routine

Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré Nourishing Moisturiser

I have two moisturizers that I decided to try. Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré Nourishing Moisturiser has been a recommendation by multiple make up artists that I follow, it is apparently the best moisturizer you can use before putting on make up.

The second one is a Mizon Black All-in-one Snail Cream because of its high reviews! Snails and starfishes are all the raves in the Asian Beauty department.

Skin Care Routine

Mizon Black All-in-one Snail Cream

Now, will I be able to do this religiously? I hope so! I’ll be back in a few months or so to review each product and see which worked for me and which hasn’t. Hopefully, I haven’t burned my entire face by then, haha!

Go forth and be beautiful!

Skin Care Routine
