Faux Foe

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

New York is tucked in with a snow blanket as of writing. I can’t imagine how I’d deal with negative temperature as majority of my life is spent in tropical Cebu. The brief encounter I had with cold temperature was when I was in the UK. It was summer, so that kind of cold (for me) is definitely not the coldest they’ve been. I mean, walking around town, I preferred being under the sun which is not something I would do in Cebu, you’d burn crisp in an hour! 

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Anyhow, I fell in love with fluffy tops, thanks to stores and their wide array of winter fashion in the Philippines. Quite silly, but hey! I never gave in as I thought it would be inappropriate to wear one here, most of them are long sleeves and full on sweater. So what would a tropical girl do? Well, crop it up and chop off the sleeves.. not really. I found this perfect tropics-friendly fluff top via Missguided! Paired it with Topshop’s mom jeans and metallic shoes, and voila! I am Summer-Winter ready! Haha I could use a belt to emphasize my waist and accentuate the top with a simple necklace, adding contrast and class. A cute leather back pack would be nice to finish off this look!

How would your Summer-Winter look like? Let’s have some fun in the comments below!

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron wears…

Missguided fluffy crop top; Topshop Mom Jeans; Forever 21 hat and metallic shoe.

Hype this on LookBook! Follow me around the social media platforms, too: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and Flickr.

Photos by Scott!

The Star Wars Prequels vs My Thoughts

I finally caved in. I was weirdly proud for being part of the minority who haven’t seen the Star Wars saga (and a whole lot of other films: LOTR. Matrix. The GodFather, etc.). Special snowflake syndrome, eh? Half that and half I-can’t-be-bothered syndrome. My attention span has gotten very poor when it comes to films. It has to be good day if I’m about to watch something that requires thinking. I like no brainer films more than I should.

Anyhow. I used to live tweet / live blog when I’m about to marathon Harry Potter so I decided that maybe I can do that with Star Wars, too. In the hopes that I won’t doze off and actually have the motivation to complete the saga. Here goes nothing:

Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

Jar Jar Me-sa Annoying

Dog droids, v useless. V ugly too.

“Uh, wait, uh, you’re under arrest.” -Yellow Dog Droid made a funny.

“Power’s back, that droid did it.” No shite, Sherlock. Why is there unnecessary narration in the dialogue?

R2D2 beep boopity boop. I know you!

I didn’t know Keira Knightley is in Star Wars!

"Are you an angel?” Nice pick up line, Anakin. Such a big talker this kid.


Here is Anakin in his natural habitat, flirting with a girl 4 years older than him. (Photo credit to Lucasfilm | Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace, please don’t sue me.)

“There’s something about this boy…” Yes, Qui-gon, he’s going to be Darth Vader, duh.

But of course, Anakin’s gonna win that race. He still v creepy towards Padme.

Is this Star Wars or Land Before Time?

And of course, he defeats the villains and blows up a gigantic space ship. Kids these days, huh. Typical 9 year old.

I have to say this Ewan but that mullet looks terrible. You were heartbreakingly beautiful in Moulin Rouge.

Episode 2: Attack of The Clones

LOL at Anakin getting hurt because he didn’t get the attention he wanted from Padme.

So much staring at Padme. Get a grip, Anakin.


Here is Anakin, 20. He likes staring at girls creepily. (Photo credit to Lucasfilm | Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, please don’t sue me.)

“Be mindful of your thoughts Anakin, control your boner. I can feel it via the Force.” – Obi-wan, probably

LOL Worm-pooping flying robot! Hahaha

Attack of the Clones?! More like Fast and Furious: Space Drift

This episode is just one whole cringe for Anakin. He’s so whiny and egotistic and rapist-vibey.

I didn’t know Rose Byrne is in Star Wars!

Evil Anakin is EEEVUUUL. Blame Obi-wan because he killed them sandpeople? EVUL.

Padme is such a badass. She, at least, tried to find a way to save herself from that public execution. Meanwhile, Anakin is not done whining.

That’s why bad guys always win, good guys always do speeches before they actually move. UGH.

The clones were on for like 15 minutes and they get to be on the title. WHAT.

And he actually got the girl! OMG. What a horrible message. Yes, pressure a girl into thinking she likes you and she’ll marry you.

Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith

Anakin looks like the most bored human in the entire galaxy while in a battle.

Why is this robot coughing? He has lungs? WTH?

These dog droids remain to be useless. Even in enclosed elevator.

*Anakin grabs the edge of an elevator drop / floor entrance for his life. He let go, he dead (unless the force can make him fly).* Dog droid: Hands up, Jedi. < I LOL.

R2D2 has better fighting skills than any of these Jedi. Setting two monster Dog droids on fire alone?!

Anakin is still a big talker, I see.

Palpatine be a heartless monster. I bet he’s the proper villain.

Dooku no more hands, no more head. Are you okay?

  • Coughing Robot: Release the Ray Shields!
  • Anakin: Ray Shields! 😮
  • Obi-wan: Ray Shields! 😮
  • R2D2: Ray Shields!
  • Jabba: Ray Shields!
  • Dooku: Unnecessary. Narration.

Coughing robot is General Grievous, good grief! (Geddit?)

*loses half part of Grievous’ ship that is very humungous and is v obvious* Anakin: We lost something. You don’t say, Anakin?

Padme’s buns are Leia’s buns.

  • Padme: I’m pregnant, what we gon do?
  • Anakin: Let’s not worry about it right now.
  • Irresponsible father since Day 0.

"You won’t make me a Master? I will kill you all! Bwahahaha” -Anakin, maybe

“Obi-wan, I love you but I gotta be Darth Vader for continuity of this film yanno. Bye now.” -Anakin, maybe, again.

“You know what’s better than 1 lightsaber? 4 lightsabers!” -Dooku to Grievous probably before he died. RIP in peace.

Oh lol, Grievous has lungs full of phlegm.

Samuel Jackson is the reason we have Darth Vader! Let’s all blame him.

Palpatine has a very weird monster voice way before he became a monster. What’s that voice even?

Chopped hands are v #trendy in this saga.


Here is Anakin in his true nature. Anakin likes power and decided to use it for the evilsss. Don’t be like Anakin.  (Photo credit to Lucasfilm | Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith, please don’t sue me.)

They killed the Blue Avatar Jedi. 😮

I didn’t know you’re so old, Chewie.

R2 and 3PO could’ve written this whole saga. They’ve been there since Anakin’s 9-year-old pick up lines.

So… the powers Palpatine promised Anakin is basically lightning bending? Anakin could’ve gone to Zuko?

That CGI Baby Luke though.

So that’s how it came to be.. Twins separated which may or may not result to incest in the future. LOL

The End.

Final thoughts: I understand why other people would get obsessed with the franchise and the whole Star Wars universe (even the non-comic readers). But it’s not something I’d lose sleep for.

I like reading stuff (maps, family trees, history) that isn’t in the film or the books but it’s declared canons by writers. Since this has a very enormous scope (galaxies and all that), I imagine the trivia and fun facts would be very enjoyable to read.

See you again for the originals? Which hopefully would live up to the hype that the originals are better. For now, may the force be with you! 


Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Keeping up with fashion trends can be exhausting. It may not fit your own style or it might not do well with your mini insecurities. Basically, it doesn’t speak for yourself. And personally, I believe that’s not how fashion works. I may be donning more cropped tops than necessary in this blog but I hope you get to experiment my looks with your own style. Never feel like you HAVE to wear something to keep up because you don’t have to. You really don’t. You only need to listen to yourself and what makes you comfortable in representing your own style. Now, why am I suddenly so preachy? Haha. It’s because this look is not something usual for most people but I love it and I am very much in love with it. It’s definitely not revolutionary but it’s not something you see often (unless, of course, if you’re working in the fashion industry). I would understand if it’s not wearable for most but I would also love to see more people test new waters. How awesome would it be if Philippines will completely accept the unusual? We’d be like Japan. Walking cosplayers are normal. I’d like that. I’d like to wear something unusual and not be stared at. Hm.

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Anyhow. Wishful thinking aside, pinstripes anything are my new obsession. I just saw this DKNY Spring 2016 piece and I wish I’m rich enough to own it, lol. Keep an eye for me, eh? Maybe you’ll see something similar a few hundred dollars less.

I, originally, wanted to match these trousers with pinstripes blazer for a Scandi style vibe but I couldn’t find one until I found this weirdly beautiful top. It displayed with a ribbon and I guess I’m supposed to wear it that way but I don’t want to. Not because I can’t make a perfect ribbon (!!) but because a cute ribbon would seem a bit unaligned from the rest of the outfit. I’m quite chuffed that this turn out to be very comfortable and very “me”. How would you describe your style? Let’s talk in the comments below!

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron wears…

Forever 21 top, trousers, Adidas Superstars

Hype this on LookBook! Follow me around the social media platforms, too: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and Flickr.

Photos by Scott!

Over the Holidays

More like, Over the Haul-idays, amiright?

Finally getting to this “haul” from when we were all broke because of gift giving. I took upon the responsibility of giving myself gifts, as well, because one needs a reason to shop, lol. This post doubles into what other bloggers would call “What I Got This Christmas”, except for the personal ones that I’d like to keep to myself.

I understand that hauls are quite consumeristic but I like reading and watching (bloggers, YouTubers, etc) them because they give me an idea of what I want in a product instead of blindly buying stuff in stores. In some way or another, it’s a good form of research? Anyways. Enough justification. Here are the things I loved gifting myself AND receiving over the holidays!


Splurged my way to Christmas and bought two MAC Lipsticks in shades Antique Velvet (deep brown) and Whirl (nude brown) from The Beauty Junkie. The boyf gave me the almost always sold out Soar (nude pink) MAC Lip Pencil, which was surprisingly still in stock before Christmas.


A few other things from the boyfriend’s Christmas package are products from my wishlist. Call me Lucky! From left to right:

Real Techniques Sculpting Brush, as it received the most hype with their new line. When I received it, I finally understood why most beauty gurus use it to apply foundation instead of contour. The bristles are similar to that of their Buffing Brush, it’s just different in form. I still have my eye on their Bold Metals collection but it’s definitely on the luxurious side of things so I’ll just wait for some discounts, for now, haha.

Embryolisse Lait Creme Concentre Nourishing Moisturizer, I don’t always prep my skin before make up but I heard that this is a good one. One of my New Year’s resolution is to take care of my skin better because I’m not getting any younger so this one got to be on my wishlist, and now on my hands!

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, aside from Rimmel’s Wake Me Up Concealer, this is also the most talked about drugstore concealer. It is just £4.19 and reviews are good! I have yet to try it so we’ll see.

Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Double Ended Pencil in Naked 1, if you’ve read my previous make up tutorials, I only have Nichido as my waterline liner because it does work. The problem is, it runs down my face and smudges easily so I had to hunt a good one. I tried this as soon as I got it and I am in love! I never had a working brown liner before, no brand has given me this kind of satisfaction. This product is quite costly but it’s worth every penny, to make things more cost-effective, you can have the double-ended one which already has the black and brown colors.

Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge, to be honest, I have hygiene issues with sponges. I’ve been made up by so many make up artists and they usually use a sponge for foundation. More often than not, it always looks dirty (the sponge, not my face) and I just shied away from sponges since then. However, the hype has gotten into me, I caved in and put this one on my wishlist. I’m a sheeple, you guys. I’ll make sure though to wash it after 2-3 uses as advised in the packaging. 


I had a few more products from The Beauty Junkie. I only had 1 cheek blush and bronzer so I decided to try some other. This beautiful rose blush is Milani Rose Powder Blush in Coral Cove, how gorgeous is that packaging? The other golden sticks are L.A. Girl Velvet Contour Stick in  Suede, Velour and My Bae. I grabbed another Maybelline Velvet Matte, this one is Mat 6, a dark berry shade, wearable for morenas like me.


Swatches from top to bottom: Milani Rose Powder Blush in Coral Cove, LA Girl Blush in Velour, LA Girl Blush in My Bae, LA Girl Bronzer in Suede and Maybelline Velvet Matte in Mat 6

Of course, a Ron Does Things haul won’t be complete without clothes. These are some of the picks I had last month. I will, most likely, feature these as LookBook / Ron Wears posts so I won’t talk more about them. If you are interested on how I’d style and wear this, you can maybe keep an eye when these posts are published.


H&M flared jeans, Forever 21 mustard cropped top, featured here.


Missguided fluffy cropped top, Topshop Mom Jeans (FINALLY!!)


Forever 21 cropped top, pinstripes trousers


Forever 21 metallic flats, H&M crossbody bag, Missguided cropped jumper


H&M white top, suede skirt.

I’m still into minimalist looks so I’m still not big on the jewelry department but a few golds won’t hurt. I am really into ear cuffs and layered necklaces right now so I also had some good ones from Bangood. They have a very wide range of affordable but chic jewelry! 


Forever 21 Accessories, Bangood

Ugh, I love love love receiving gifts. So, what did you get for Christmas? Tell me in the comments below so we can share the excites together!

That 70′s Show

I feel like this first couple of posts are living in the past; a 2015 year-end trip?, a year-end sale x smart shopping advice? and now some 70′s trend? But hey! The flared jeans are back! Don’t you wish you kept that flared jeans you wore back in the 2000′s? Well, I would’ve but I think I’m now a bit bigger than my 13-year-old self.. or maybe a lot.

Much like music and movies, fashion recycles. It’s been a recurring thing recently, from that A-line suede skirt to that bell bottom sleeves, the bright colors and whatnot, the fashion industry has given life to our past wardrobe but as always, with a new way to wear it (or so we think).

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

For the short-legged, I think flared jeans paired with pointed heels / platforms / heeled boots will be very helpful in creating that long-legged illusion. Of course, crop tops aren’t the only thing that can be paired with the flared jeans, but a fitted top will help create a beautiful silhouette with the bottom flare. How would you style your flared jeans?

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron Wears | rondoesthings.com

Ron wears…

Forever 21 top and accessories; H&M jeans, bag, heels, belt

Hype this on LookBook! Follow me around the social media platforms, too: Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, Twitter and Flickr.

Photos by Scott!

To Buy or Not To Buy, That is the Question

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, when sales are on their lowest percent offs and the stores itching to give out all of last season’s picks. How do you deal with it without getting broke? Let’s talk smart shopping and consumerism!


Needs and Wants

I overthink a lot and that does not limit to life’s problems, it plays a big part in shopping, as well. It’s good to plan and think through what you really need and/or want. If you’re low on belts, or pants, or tops for work, then invest in one since you know you’ll actually use it. List these things and stick to it as much as possible.



Learn to Let Go

Not only for the heartbroken and unrequited love, when the thing you want / love the most is too out of reach (read: expensive and not worth it), let it go. The first step to saving is to not spend at all, anyways. Over the holidays, I have a jumper at Topshop on my wishlist, it has a beautiful orange + gray color combination with a v cool symmetrical design. However, it was indeed expensive. I found it on sale last week and I was so happy. I finally fitted the piece and I was as disappointed as Luke finding out who his father is. It was just ugly on me. So, I finally let it go.

But if you do find something that is very compatible on you with half the price tag on, embrace it (if the budget permits, of course). Just like this piece I’ve been eyeing at Zara with this beautiful color palette, I didn’t feel like it was worth its original price (although the quality is superb). Thankfully though, I was patient enough and the odds of it still being available were in my favor. I saved up 30% than what I would’ve spent. This simple black knit with bell bottom sleeves, also from Zara, is also something I’ve been trying to find around town. I want to pair this with black pants and some oxfords. 50% off, kaching! 



Stick to Basics

When shopping during sale, we often go to the most adventurous picks just because it’s 90% off. But you have to consider if you’ll actually use it. That is not only a waste of closet space, it also actually harms the environment. Stick to the basics, things that you’d see yourself wearing even after the trend dies.

I had some good 30% off buys from Bershka; a basic olive knit and a Mickey shirt. They may not be the trendiest but they’ll definitely live in my closet for a long time.



Cost per Wear Theory

Be it regular pricing or on sale, this theory should always be considered. That heels you want, are you sure that’ll last you long enough to be able to wear it multiple times to justify the price? Quality must not be overlooked just because the item is 70% off. 

Vouchers and Discount Codes are Your New BFFs

I got these heels from H&M, which were originally Php 1995, it was reduced to Php700 and since I have a Php500 OFF voucher, this was further reduced to Php 200. How cool is that?

Even online shopping, there are so many discount codes lying around the internet, try and Google search for some before checking out. If you want, you can shop via Zalora and your first purchase is on me! (Awesome segway.) Use code ZBAPQWJ1 at checkout and enjoy 15% discount!

A smart shopper must acknowledge that beautiful things don’t always come with a hefty tag. What are your smart shopping tips?

Post Cards from Kalanggaman

Let’s start 2016 with my last getaway of 2015.

Kalanggaman Island

I think everyone heard of Kalanggaman Island late 2014, early 2015. I remember having a conversation with my new officemates back then to have a trip there, but alas, that didn’t happen. Then the hype hit the social media like crazy during Summer of 2015, there wasn’t a weekend that multiple Facebook friends of mine didn’t upload photos from Kalanggaman. It was beautiful but I thought it would be too crowded so I shied away from the idea.

After Christmas, a few of my family returned to our hometown, Palompon, for a high school reunion. I went with them in the hopes that a Kalanggaman trip would be possible since it was quite rainy due to a couple of storms.

The first day in Palompon was nostalgic, we were driving round town and it was surprising for us how the small town we knew back then has gotten smaller (if that’s a possible) but with more crowd. I mean, I was a 4 year old who would just walk 2 blocks from home to my kindergarten school. We would also walk to the church, walk to the market, everywhere! I knew it was small but it still seemed big to me, maybe because I was also small back then? Haha. We went to Kalanggaman the next day as it is just a 30-min boat ride from Palompon.

Palompon including Kalanggaman was severely hit by Typhoon Yolanda and the cement stone bearing the island’s name with the dolphin was the only thing left standing after. Tragic but thankfully that didn’t make the island less beautiful. I’m lucky we went on a fairly less crowded day and we got to absorb all the greatness that it has to offer. It is definitely worth the hype.

From the fine sugary white sand, the gorgeous sandbar, the crystal clear water, the less famous but still beyond beautiful rock formations at the other side of the island, to the calmness and serenity that a city can’t offer. Photos can barely express how stunning it is, I hope you get the chance to actually experience Kalanggaman.

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman IslandKalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman IslandKalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island

Kalanggaman Island