PxR Christmas Playlist 2014

Tomorrow, it’ll be the first of the last. December 2014, how did this year come by so fast and so slow at the same time? Hmm. Anyways, Paul and I didn’t manage to listen to anything new this month. Well, I for one, have just been listening to Christmas songs now so I figured I’ll share it with you guys.


Straight No Chaser – Holiday Spirit

First off, my all time favorite Christmas album goes to Straight No Chaser’s Holiday Spirit album. I’ve been listening for years and years now (welp, since 2008 maybe, its release). I haven’t had a Christmas without it and I can’t pick one as a favorite. I do remember clearly how I managed to discover it though. I was in a car back then and the radio played their 12 days of Christmas/Africa medley and it was so funny and still Christmas-y that I rushed to the computer and searched for it. Shazam didn’t exist yet that time so just imagine the keywords you’d type in and hoping you’ll get the result you want. So there’s that, I did and was in total love with the whole album. They have more albums now though but I still think Holiday Spirit is their best one.


Straight No Chaser Holiday Spirit Cover Art Credit

They also just released a new one with Kristen Bell. Quite the cutesy tune and very modern.

Pentatonix – That’s Christmas To Me

I’ve been obsessed with Pentatonix for months now. I’ve watched all their videos on YouTube and subscribed and all that stuff. Listened to them non-stop. They’ve just released PTX Vol III and it has most of my favorite songs for 2014 so check that out. They’ve also released their latest Christmas album called That’s Christmas To Me and Paul’s ultimate love Tori Kelly is in it.

Funny thing is, not all of the song in this album are actually for Christmas. White Winter Hymnal is quite brutal and Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy is just a playful but very magical tune they’ve decided to materialize.

My favorite would be It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. I love it when Avi sings. It’s like cuddling with velvet.

Pentatonix also has another Christmas album called PTXmas, be sure to check it out as well!

Christina Aguilera – This Christmas

I’ve always idolized Christina since I was a kid and this song has been stuck with me for years. Straight No Chaser did a very good rendition of this song as well in Holiday Spirits but I suppose the bittersweet feeling I get when listening to this song makes it more special than the other. Both are really good though. Still bittersweet this year, eh. Can’t be with the love this Christmas, so I guess I’m just looking forward to listening to this and actually relating to it. I don’t even know why it gets me emotional every time though. This song hits the Christmas song rightly.

Britney Spears – My Only Wish This Year

Haha, I feel like I’m bringing all my childhood idols back but I just can’t miss this one. Malls always play this song and I’ve grown fond of it. I remember dancing to this too back in high school, so there’s that.

Mariah Carey – All I Want For Christmas Is You

Say what you want but this is the modern Christmas anthem. When the little bells jingle at the start of the song, everyone is then sure prepared to belt out their Christmas feelings through this classic. Whistles and all.

What do you listen for Christmas? Share in the comments below!

The Tops of Cebu

The Tops (or Tops Lookout or Tops Busay) is one of the most famous tourist spots in Cebu. It has existed since I’ve gained consciousness of my humanness and I’ve actually never been, until April this year when both Paul and I went.

Going to the Tops is no easy feat. Since it’s rather high up in the mountain, the easiest is obviously through your own car (whether you rent one or own one). But for us peasants, it’s either a taxi or a motorcycle. The taxi is really expensive and not very peasant-like. It’ll cause you around a thousand, which is already for a round trip plus the driver’s waiting time. There are no public vehicles at the Tops so you must secure one for your return trip to the city. Another would be the motorcycle, which is what we did and it was exhilarating! If you’re not used to riding motorcycles, I would suggest against it since you need to have a sense of balance while riding one even just as a passenger. You will be going through miles of steep roads, so steep that you’ll feel like you’re about to fall off the motorcycle, hence, the need to have some sense of balance. You don’t want to go rolling down the mountain, do ya?  The motorcycle ride costs a P150 per person and that already includes the driver’s waiting time. It will also take you about 20-30 minutes of grabbing on to the motorcycle for dear life. Kidding. It’s not scary… but it is.

I remember it being free before (not that I’ve been) or maybe I have bad memory but it now has an entrance fee of P100.00. I won’t say it’s the best place to be in Cebu but it’s probably good for a one-time experience. It’s not worth to go back again and again since there’s literally just the view of Cebu. I wish they’ll develop the place more given that they’ve been charging a lot of tourists. It really is so simple that all we did was take pictures. Don’t get me wrong, the view is beautiful and breathtaking, and again, worth the one-time experience.

When we went, it was raining on and off but it was still exceptional despite the clouds. And that’s it. We stayed for about 30 minutes and went back to the city again.

Quite narcissistic this post is, but I swear, there’s nothing else to do but to appreciate this island that is Cebu.









“All I need in this life of sin, is me and my GoPro.”



I’m a man and I love my man-purse. Jokes.


The whole viewing area.


C H E E K Y.

Adrenaline Fix at KartZone and Rainforest Park

Back in April, Paul and I decided to go karting. If you haven’t heard of karting, it’s basically the stepping stone to your Grand Prix dreams. It’s simple although you need to have a basic sense in driving to enjoy it and to keep yourself and others from danger. Kartzone is one of, if not the only, kart racing center in Cebu. You can rent karts for Php 400.00 for 8 laps which can either be a single-seater or a double-seater. We wanted to bring our GoPro with us and take the double seater one but we weren’t allowed so I let Paul take his adrenaline fix while I watch him zoom everywhere.


Before your actual use of the karts, you must undergo a brief seminar which discusses several key points in the race track such as flag meanings, usage of the kart, and do’s and don’ts. After the seminar you’ll be seated and wait for your turn. The center only allows limited number of racers inside the track as to not crowd it too much or else you won’t be able to accelerate (which basically is the whole point), so the racers come in batches. When it’s your batch’s turn, you’ll be given a mask and a helmet then you select a kart.


An assistant will start your kart and off you go for 8 laps.


It was rather quick that day since there weren’t many racers so we finished early and proceeded to a fairly new recreation area near Kartzone which is the Rainforest Park Cebu, approximately a 5 minute walk.


The park is a mix of leisure and adventure, with a rope obstacle area, viewing area for animals, a fish spa and a restaurant. You can see their rates here. We opted to go for the All-in Attraction ticket covering the Jungle Adventure, Oceanarium and Amazon Aviary for Php 300.00  per person.


The Jungle Adventure is a series of rope obstacles in an enclosed area with several crew to guide you. One thing that really stood out for us both that day was how careful the crew was guiding us. You will never be not attached to your harness and a guide will be with you throughout the obstacles.



Once you get strapped in, you start and climb this simple-looking rope net up to the platform about 20 feet from the ground. Hmm, not so simple actually.



Once you’ve reached the top, you’ll zipline your way across the area, a short 5 second experience.


Next, you’ll cross the Burn Bridge. Easy peazy.


Then slide your way to the next destination. This was the hardest for me. It had the least ropes (among all the rope obstacles, so excluding the catwalk bridge) to grab on to and you really need to balance so you wouldn’t swing too much. I started taking actual steps which made the rope swing scarily so the guide advised to just slide while I grab the upper ropes, one after the other.


Next is the catwalk bridge without anything to grab on to, just your harness and your balancing skills. It’s a very thin metal connecting the “slide” bridge and your endpoint. As long as you don’t look down, you’ll get through it easily. Also, don’t bounce!


You again walk through the catwalk bridge and the slide bridge to get to the center of the obstacle. I know! That one hard thing and you do it twice, haha.


These swings aren’t connected to each other, so if you’re not careful and put so much weight on each, you’ll end up swinging far from your next swing. My tip would be to make it fast so you won’t have to cause so much motion in each step.



You then go through the last rope obstacle, quite similar to the one above but without the wooden steps. This is much harder but quick since it was a shorter trip, about ten steps. You then climb down through a normal metal ladder to the ground.


But that doesn’t mean you’re done, you get to experience basic rock climbing too!


You get to have one go and you’re done! We were the only ones that went through the obstacles at that time, good thing we’re two brave souls so we did all those quickly too. The guide was so careful and the other crew who took our pictures also did everything he can despite the lens I brought that day. I really wanted to use GoPro but we weren’t allowed. 😦 The guide took so many blurred photos too with my 50mm and I can’t blame him. Haha I’m just glad he took so many that there were a handful of lucky ones. This was also an additional service for them, you get to pay a hundred for unlimited pictures but using your own camera. I think that’s enough since he has to go through the obstacles too just to get a good angle of you.


After the Jungle Adventure, we went to the Amazon Aviary and was greeted by a deer just casually walking around the area. There were also numerous caged animals, mostly of bird species. The white parrot pictured below was the center of the aviary and says hello to the guests! You can also offer your arm as its perch and talk to it… if you know bird talk. Have you seen Rio? He looks a lot like Nigel, doesn’t he? The bird, not Paul.



Outside the aviary, you have several animals to view including this Philippine crocodile. It was already dark so going through the forest is actually scary. There are leaves everywhere and you get paranoid that birds or snakes will suddenly appear. So maybe, go to the park while it’s still bright and sunny.

Speaking of snakes, we went to the Oceanarium next and found two. A crew dared us to touch it and.. can you hear my muted screams below?



Carrying the snakes was a fun experience. It may look so flexible but while it was crawling around my neck, I could feel its tiny bones gliding. Ahhhh thinking about it makes me cringe.

There were also lots of fishes inside the Oceanarium, I hope they maintained it better though. The aquariums were too foggy that it looks unclean. There was Nemo and Dory and other typical fishes. I’ve been to lots of big aquariums already that it wasn’t too impressive anymore. But then again, the snakes made the Oceanarium scary fun so there’s that to compensate the fish display. As you can see from the photos above, there are lots of tables and chairs inside the Oceanarium as it is also a restaurant. We didn’t eat so I won’t be able to give you a review regarding their food. Let me know in the comments if you have and what you think of it!


Before ending our day, we went to experience 30 minutes of fish spa for Php 100.00 per person. Those are Paul’s chubby toes and several fishes eating away his dead skin. Eugh. I only managed to put my feet in the water for 5 minutes though. I couldn’t stand the vibration caused by the fishes eating you. It’s not for the ticklish. And since we were the only ones in the spa, I think we stayed for more than 30 minutes inside. I don’t know if the staff will get trouble for this but then we’re also feeding the fishies, so win win? Haha I must say, the friendly and helpful crew made the experience so much better. It’s affordable and you get to do so much in the park, a perfect day out with the family and friends. A must visit!

Vanilla Cupcake and Oreo Frosting

Dentists hate me. Another dessert, eh? A very simple vanilla cupcake this time with oreo frosting. I know, I should’ve made it into a chocolate cupcake to suit with the oreo frosting better but I wanted to eat cupcakes and … well, chocolate is a no no for me. Anyways, this cupcake is very basic, you can use any frosting on it if you want to experiment some more!

What you need for the cupcake:

1 cup flour

1/2 cup sugar

1 1/4 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

1 stick unsalted butter

2 eggs

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 tsp milk


How to:

1. Pre-heat your oven to 180ºC.

2. Mix the flour with salt and baking powder. This will now be your self-raising flour.

3. Add the self raising flour into mixing bowl. As well as the sugar, butter and 2 eggs. Make sure all of your ingredients are at room temperature.

4. Mix the ingredients until all of the ingredients are incorporated into the mixture well.

5. After about 2-4 minutes of mixing the ingredients from step 1, add the vanilla extract and milk.

6. Scoop the batter into a muffin/cupcake pan, filling up only 3/4 of each cupcake space.


Don’t forget to mix the baking powder and salt with the flour before adding it on to the mixing bowl!


Don’t fill it up too much, otherwise, the cupcake will overflow! At least 3/4 of each should be filled!



Stick a toothpick in the middle of the cupcake, if there’s no crumbs in the toothpick, that means your cupcake is cooked!

Let it cool down before adding the frosting.

While the cupcakes are being cooked in the oven, you can start making the frosting!

What you need for the oreo frosting:

1 whole unsalted butter

3 1/2 cups of icing sugar

6 oreos (powdered/crushed/pulverized/smashed to death)

1/4 tsp vanilla extract

1 1/2 tsp milk (optional)


How to:

1. Add your butter in the mixing bowl and mix it for about 5 minutes or until the color is lighter.

2. Gradually add the icing sugar. Add about a cup and mix in low speed so that it won’t fly everywhere. Add another cup and so on until all of the icing sugar is mixed with the butter.

3. Add the powdered oreos. Mix.

4. Add vanilla extract.

5. If the frosting is too dry to work with, add a teaspoon of milk or until it softens. Never add too much or else the frosting will be runny and slide off your cupcake.

6. Put it in a piping bag or just messily top your cupcakes with the frosting. Add some bits of oreos if you want.




Easy, innit?

What do you think? If you do recreate this one, tag me on instagram (@rondoesthings), twitter (@rownaeh) or facebook (Ron Does Things). I’d love to see how you did your own.

See you next time!


Hi everyone! The last and the simplest out of this week’s dark colors series, not that I’ll ever stop wearing this obsession. This outfit is pretty simple and definitely a go-to mix and match for me. Give me any dress and sneakers and I’m good to go and I’m pretty sure anyone can pull this one off, too!



You can make it sporty or feminine and match it with any hairstyle. It’s very versatile despite being so simple and it’s beyond comfortable unless again, yanno, perverted wind. You have to admit, pants can be so restricting sometimes and dresses minus the “obligatory” heels screams freedom more than anything.


Primark dress, Pony sneakers

Which trend would you want me to try next time? Leave some in the comments below!


Following my Ron Burgundy post, I have another fall outfit to share but with a hint of spring/summer this time. As I’ve said a thousand times before, I live in a summer-all-year-round country and with that, floral outfits will never get out of place.


I have nothing but love for this outfit. It perfectly delivers femininity without revealing too much nor the society’s need for curves. The skirt enhances the entire look and gives out a pretty silhouette. I love skater skirts but it’s really hard to move without easily exposing yourself, the horror! Midi skirts however, gives you confidence and security unless there’s an aggressively perverted wind trying to blow up your skirt a la Marilyn Monroe, or maybe just avoid subway gratings.


This pink and dark plum combo isn’t far too off from each other, just another of my clean style outfits. White pointed shoes or any white shoes actually, I consider a staple in the closet. It matches with everything and can make a simple outfit look sophisticated, business or casual or formal wears, a white stiletto can go places.


Reaching for no one. Deep.


High five, anybody?


Forever 21 top, What A Girl Wants skirt, Carlo Rino handbag, NYX Black Cherry


I have to say, this is such a /me/ outift. I’m still gushing over how pretty it is. What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments below!

Ron Burgundy

Finally, finally had the chance to do the specific reason as to why this blog exists. I’ve always wanted to start fashion blogging since ages ago. I made a Tumblr post about it saying I’d start January of 2012 and quickly realized I’m not financially capable of it, hence making it impossible. That’s just the reality of wanting to consistently have good content, you need to invest not only time but also money. I had neither. Fortunately, I occasionally have both now. Enough the drama, I’m excited to present you my first ever OOTD post.

I’ve always been jealous of countries who properly experience fall. Living in the Philippines, you only get the falling leaves and the slight change in weather. It still gets really hot this time of the year here but the sun sets earlier. How I wish I can experience it with crisp cold and however Pumpkin Spice Lattes taste like.

Fall comes with dark colors and I’ve currently obsessed with anything in the burgundy / dark plum / maroon shade spectrum. As you can tell in my bad pun title, I really wish you know Ron Burgundy, I find it funny because I like burgundy and I’m Ron, Ha Ha Ha, geddit?


This look is pretty basic, I love clean combinations and I’m still working on experimenting with my colors. If you like it simple like I do, gather up your neutral colors and pair them with a pop of the unique color that you want.



I am also currently so so in love with dark lips. If I have to suggest, you can try on Revlon Black Cherry, NYX Soft Matte Copenhagen, NYX Matte Siren, Maybelline Divine Wine, M.A.C. lip liner in Burgundy, M.A.C. Endless Drama or Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics in Black Metal Dahlia. Also, the one I’m using in these photos is NYX Black Cherry.



My mom and I got this bag in a Carlo Rino shop in Changi Airport Terminal 2. They offer really good discounts and although I haven’t heard from them at all, their designs are quite lovely and elegant.


Forever 21 top, Primark skater skirt, People are People heels, Carlo Rino SG bag, NYX Black Cherry lip

Despite the grumpy-trying-to-be-dark expressions, how’d I do with my first attempt to fashion blogging? 🙂 Leave a comment!